Monday, May 4, 2009


Having recieved yet another plea from one of our many readers.... um.. what do we have now? Two... ANYWAY! It was brought to my attention that we needed to address another post on the topic of weight gain and it's dastardly design to make us look like we have lived our lives in a Krispy Kreme shop.
NEVER FEAR! Another idea is here! Are you ready? Are you gasping with anticipation and feeling tremors of excitement shoot up and down your spine? OK Ok.. (drum roll please) GET OFF YOU LAZY A@@!

No, really though... there are many factors to weight gain. I myself have watched the scale go up, up UP over the last month. So, today as a matter of fact, I went back to my New Years Resolution to take another quick peak at what I wanted to do this year. My goal? Add a word to my vocabulary. That's it! And what was that life changing word you might ask? Well, go ahead and ask.. but I will tell you now. RESTRAINT. Here's how it works...

So you want to sample everything? Go for it. The trick? It goes against EVERYTHING we have ever been taught--- LEAVE FOOD ON YOUR PLATE!

Here's what I want you to try... those of you who would like to see a change in your current weight.
1. FOR ONE DAY ONLY... make a list of EVERYTHING you put in your mouth. Gum, water, you name it.. if it goes in your mouth write it down. See where your nutrient are coming from.
2. Color! Go for colored food! The brighter the better! Reds, greens, yellows, orange... keep it going and use those for your staples and snacks.
3. Before you eat any meal, drink a FULL glass of water. It will leave quickly, but help the urge to gorge yourself.
4. Last of all.. Add some sort of exercise! THIS IS A MUST! You CAN'T AVOID IT!

Good luck my family and friends!

Hugs and Kisses!


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